Head of Education Department – Rovshana Yagub Karimova
In the department of entrants
As every year, entrants fill electron applications from April, 20 until May, 31 and confirm them in appropriate high schools. Beginning from May, 1 until May, 31, the entrants who are to pass an ability exam are admitted to the entrance exams once they pass qualifying round in a centralized form in specially selected school. At the beginning of June test exams are organized. The entrants who succeeded in these exams are admitted to the entrance exams on ability and according to the result of these exams, participate in “Selection of specialty” encoding the specialty and high school they want. At the beginning of August the results are declared and the entrants who are admitted are registered in the high schools with the necessary documents (photo in 3×4 dimensions, copy of ID license, Diploma or attesthate, exam paper). The decree on admittance of the entrants is sent to the high schools in early September. So, admittance company comes to an end.
For admittance to master degree: Electron application is submitted since January, 25, the 1st round examination is held until February, 7-8 (logical mind, foreign language, informatics), the 2nd round examination is held until February, 20-22, specialty exam at the end of the month. (photo of 3×4 dimensions, copy of ID license, copy of diploma)
Education term of a bachelor in ANC is 4 years. Final exams and diploma specialty exams passed throughout the education period are involved to the education plan. Education is conducted in full-time and part-time forms. At present time there are 236 students study in bachelor stage of ANC (full-time – 184, part -time 52).
Mastership specialty and degree is granted in accordance with defending of the science work and begins with activity on specialty. Education term is 2 years. At present time there are 51 students (full-time- 38, part –time- 13) studying in mastership stage in ANC.
Education in doctorate stage is 3 years. Scientific personal have been being trained on specialty of art of music 6213.01 on doctorate on the program of PhD of Azerbaijan National Conservatory (dissertation). Admittance to doctorate is carried out in accordance with the regulations of the Cabinet of Ministers of Azerbaijan Republic dated on July, 1, 2010 (For Azerbaijan and foreign citizens).
The following documents are required for admittance:
– application (to the name of rector)
– personal registration card from HR;
– biography;
– 2 photos (of 3×4 dimensions);
– essay (on the topic selected);
– printed list of references ;
– extract from labor book (for those who work);
– copy of diploma on higher education and appendix to diploma (extract from the table of marks);
Dissertation term is 4 years. Admittance to doctorate and dissertation is conducted in accordance with the decree N 129 of the Cabinet of Ministers of Azerbaijan Republic dated on July, 1, 2010 (for Azerbaijan and foreign citizens).
The following documents are needed for admittance:
– application (to the name of rector)
– personal card from HR;
– biography;
– 2 photos (of 3×4 dimensions);
– essay (on the topic selected by him);
– printed list of references;
– extract from the labor book (for those who work);
– copy of diploma on higher education and appendix to diploma (extract from the table of marks);